Philosophy, Theology

Int'l Soc. Business, Economics, and Ethics
The ISBEE is an international interdisciplinary quasi-academic society that focuses on the intersections between business, economics, and ethics.  Its strength lies in the fact that it is active in including members from all backgrounds, academic or not.

The Ekklesia Project
The Ekklesia Project is an ecumenical Christian fellowship grounded in strong faith, accurate doctrine, and real discipleship.  Instead of making moral issues political, the "project" strives to make such issues theological.

The Acton Institute
The Grand Rapids-based Acton Institute focuses on the free and virtuous society, and how the various social and theological sciences can bring that about.  It is a  largely ecumenical and interdisciplinary research think-tank.


RePEC is one of the better places online to do an economics literature review.  Many big-name economists have their research posted on RePEC, giving you a good idea of where the frontiers of the research are.

World Values Survey
The World Values Survey is extremely useful for econometric data on opinions and values across various backgrounds.  It is used frequently in social research.

Penn World Tables
The Summers and Heston Penn World Tables contains exhaustive data on every country in the world, which is tremendously useful for macroeconometric research.  It is widely used.

Association of Christian Economists (ACE)
The ACE, based at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, is focused on integrating Christian perspectives with economics.  Some incisive papers from the archives may prove interesting.

Association of Social Economics
Not to be confused with socialist economics, the ASE strives to incorporate the other social sciences and humanities into economic research and inquiry.

Economics of Religion Gateway
The driving force behind the economics of religion is Laurence Iannaccone, the Koch professor of economics at George Mason University.  This is a web portal to resources in this new field of economic inquiry.

Prudentia: Deirdre N. McCloskey
The economist, historian, writer, rhetorician, philosopher, and theologian Deirdre N. McCloskey is the UIC Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Economics, English, History, and Communications) at the University of Illinois at Chicago.  This is her website featuring her works, blogs, as well as other interesting information.

Cool Sites

Free Software Foundation Directory
You can find software like Octave (free MatLab), and other high-powered and/or ingenious software that you might find interesting. All are freely distributed and can be rewritten or improved upon, should you have the requisite free time.

Sourceforge Free Software
You can find software like LaTeX, R, or Audacity here, all of which are freely-distributed.

C|net Free(Share)Ware
You can find a bevy of freeware and shareware in this comprehensive site. Popular software include ObjectDock. Check to ensure your desired software is freeware, not shareware.

Christian Ministry Resources

Renewal: Students Caring for Creation
My good friend Benjamin Lowe is the director of this grassroots organization dedicated to inspiring and empowering people to embrace environmental stewardship as an important facet of Christian life and witness. 

Institute of Youth Ministry
The Institute of Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary is one of the very few research thinktanks on the theology of youth ministry, as well as keeping youth ministry on track with current cultural developments. 

Mathematics, Finance

Chicago Board of Options Exchange
Here is where options were first developed, and why CBOE remains an important fixture in international finance.

The CME Group
This is the largest commodities exchange in the world, which is why Chicago continues to play a crucial part in the world markets. The CME group is a merger of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade.

Soc. Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The SIAM is a premier applied mathematics society with free student memberships, so check with your local college to see if they are an institutional member. Highly recommended for math, computer science, engineering, and economics majors.

Assoc. of Christians in the Math. Sciences (ACMS)
The ACMS is founded by professor Robert E. Brabenec of Wheaton College.  It is dedicated to integrating the Christian faith and mathematical inquiry.

Global Derivatives
This site has a bevy of MatLab m-files for downloading and use. Very useful for computational finance and option pricing.